David E Maxwell
1. Tell us a little bit about your band, your vision and your experiences in the music industry.
2. How long have you known the LORD for, and how does your relationship transcend into your music?
I was introduced to the Lord at around age eight but growing up in
the inner city trouble was always at hand. It was not until Easter of
1990, that was a very important turning point in my life. I reached out
and called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ who answered and
delivered me from the gates of hell. Returning to my church roots, I
began again, to rebuild my foundation and faith in God. I began to be
strengthened and grow in grace more and more as i acknowledged the gift
giver. As the years went by, I became the praise and worship leader for
several churches, realizing that the gift of music is not just for self
but to minister to others as well.
3. Do you consider your music to be more of a ministry or a
business? How do you feel about the artists and bands that operate
other than you?
Well, I must say that my business of music is a ministry for the
simple fact that music has always ministered to me by filling me with
joy and gladness. Whenever I was sad or just dealing with life issues my
music ministered to me and gave me peace. Of course there are those who
are in Christian or Gospel music strictly for the money, and some of
them have great musicianship and play only on Sunday morning. I can not
judge them, however they have to give an account for themselves.
4. How did you get started in the music industry/ministry?
I joined the Hebron Tabernacle Church, where I filled in and played
the piano behind the Pastors wife during praise and worship services. I
fell in love with Christian music. Ever since then I wanted to do my own
music and at times I did and it gave me much joy.
5. Tell us about the best experience that you have had since you started working/ministering through music.
One of the best experiences I had was when I was ministering with the
group called Friends. We would travel from state to state and would
minister through Songs, Testimonies and short Skits. We were at a tent
revival in Baltimore MD., while we were in the middle of singing, a
drug dealer came strolling down the isle, threw his drugs down on the
ground and gave his life to God. Not soon after that a Police Officer
who was assigned to watch the tent, came up and gave his life to the
Lord too.
6. Tell us about the worst experience that you have ever had in the music industry.
To be honest, I really can’t recall a worst
experience except for one time in the middle of a song we lost
electricity for about twenty minutes.
7. Has being a musician become a full time calling, or do you
still hold down a 9 to 5? If so, what do you do and how does it relate
to your music?
Not yet, I long for the day when it becomes full time, though I am
not working full time, I do spend a lot of time in my studio and on line
ministering, sharing, promoting and preparing to make it full time
through social networking.8. What is your discography? (Please provide album covers and links for purchase…preferably CD Baby and Amazon).
I released my debut CD 01/05/11 entitled “The Praise Up Project”. It can be purchased on
CD Baby ~ http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/davidemaxwell
Amazon.com ~ http://www.amazon.com/The-Praise-Up-Project/dp/B00589HP24/ref=sr_shvl_album_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1310452161&sr=301-1
iTunes ~ http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/free-flow/id444650063?i=444650077&ign-mpt=uo%3D4
…And many other digital download distributors.
9. A lot of music professionals have stated that the music
industry is dying. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not.
I disagree, because how can the music industry be dying when there is
more and more music being produced. I can go to my website and my
social network page, upload my own music to the web in a matter of
minutes, and sell it to anyone in the world with an internet
connection…I would say the way that the music industry use to operates
is dying but not the industry as a whole.
10. How has the Internet played a roll in the promotion and
marketing in your music? Do you consider it to be the great equalizer
in the music industry?
Thanks to the demand caused by the rising number of independent music
artists and their desire to sell music online, several websites have
risen to support this market. The old way has changed where you had to
be on a major record label to have your music distributed or even
recorded and promoted. Now I’m able to produce my own professional music
11. Do you have any upcoming record releases or tours that we should know about? Any recent awards?
I am currently working on my second Cd project and prayerfully it
will be released sometime in midsummer. I’m in the process of
collaborating with other artists. Also, I have a few Radio interviews
coming up, I haven’t Gotten any awards yet.Prayerfully and with the love and support of my wife Theresa who loves music and encourages me. I must admit, at times I can lose my balance but she is always there to level me and keep me steady. I can say that I’m truly blessed by her patience and sacrifices……I Love you Theresa!
13. If you could meet 1 person, dead or alive, who would it
be and why? (if there is more than 1 member of the band, let each one
answer individually).
Well, this is kind of a tough question because there are so many I’d
like to meet. One that comes to mind now is Bruce Lee, because I like
martial arts and I like his philosophy. I have always been a fan and
would love to have sat and talked with him.
14. What church do you attend? Do they support the band? If you could change 1 thing about their support, what would it be?
I just recently joined Bethel Deliverance International Church and
have not joined the music ministry yet, but the last church I was the
Praise leader and they were very supportive of me and my music. There
really isn’t much I would have like to change.
15. What is your favorite bible verse? How does it apply to your music and your life?
My favorite verse is ROMANS 8:28, And we know
that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them
who are the called according to his purpose. This verse helps me when I
want to ask God questions like, Why is this happening to me and I don’t
understand it, and when Lord am I going to have what I asked and pray
for. I’m sure many of us have asked those question many times. This
verse helps me keep Gods word in perspective.
16. What is the most amazing thing that a fan has ever done for you? How did it impact you?
One fan being a street team member help me promote my music and fan
page on the web for free, and I thought that was very nice. It inspired
me to start a group page on facebook called “Christian Musician
Connection”. This Group Page is where You and the Christian Musician can
Connect and Network with other Christian Musicians, Share ideas, you
Music, Promote your Websites, Music Blogs, Videos, and any Helpful Music
Industry Information and Resource that could benefit and edify those in
17. What advice would you give to an artist or band just starting out?
I would say to always put God first. Set goals and follow your dreams
and never give up. Practice, practice practice. Get as much information
on what it is you want to do, then apply it. If you can perceive it and
believe, then you can achieve it.
18. Who are your musical influences?
I grew up listening to Earth Wind and Fire, The Commodores, Brass
Construction, War, Cameo, Brick, George Clinton, Slave, Steve Miller, KC
and The Sunshine Band… In recent years I’ve listen to Commissioned, Ron
Kenoly, Clint Brown, Ben Tankard, Kirk Franklin, Israel Houghton, Tye
Tribbet, Gospel Ganstaz, Cross Movement, Mary Mary, and many more…
19. What is the creative process for the band/artist in the studio? How does the music come together?
It varies at times. Sometimes I start by laying down a basic drum
track or base line and other times I would hear a melody on the piano
and build from there. Just recently I started dimming the lights and
just sitting quietly meditating a few minutes on the goodness of Lord
and all he’s done for me. This helps me to relax and block out all
20. Where can people find you online?
For the past year and a half I have been building a web presence. If you Google my name as you see it here, david e maxwell, you will find me on many other websites as well.
21. Anything else you want our readers to know?
One of my favorite sayings is:God’s gift to us is life, and what we do with our life, is our gift back to Him...
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