The Wheat Report

 The Wheat Report is here to provide
you with the news and events of the
gospel world here in Kentuckiana. 
We shall expose you to various venues
that cater to the Christian community.
If you are an artist or indivual using your talents to glorify God.....let us feature you.
It is spreading like a wildfire through
the city, so don't miss your opportunity
                                      to be informed.

FREE "Reverbnation Widget Group"

You can get more Fans and more clicks by Joining for FREE "Reverbnation Widget Group" on Discover Media, Network: I did. ...But don't just take my word for it, see for yourself.

7 Of My Instrumental Songs For You

Here are 7 of my Instrumental Songs, 6 are from my debut CD. #4 SUNRISE, will be Released on My Next CD project coming soon. You can preview it here. Please feel free to share them with your friends.

Free Flow Video

Do You Love Music