Never Stop Dreaming
By David E. Maxwell
DJGN Content Contributor
CEO of D.E.M. Beats Production
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DJGN Content Contributor
CEO of D.E.M. Beats Production
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The realities of a dream
Is there a dream in your heart that you just can’t shake? Can you see yourself doing something and you can’t get it out of your mind? God has placed specific dreams and visions inside every person. He has a plan for your life and the aspirations that you just can’t seem to get out of your heart are clues to what you were created to do. By identifying your dreams, keeping them alive and coming up with a plan to execute them, your dreams can become a reality. When I talk about dreams, I’m not just talking about the visions you see when you go to sleep at night. While those are dreams, and God may speak to you while you sleep, the dreams I’m referring to are those hopes, longings, and aspirations in your heart. They are those series of images that continually replay in your mind about something you desire to accomplish.
Ways to keep your dream alive

The distance between your dreams and reality is called action
After you realize there is a particular dream in your heart that must become a reality, you’ve got to construct a plan to bring it to pass. Just because God gave you a dream doesn’t mean it will automatically happen; there is a part you must play in the process. First, get before the Lord and ask Him to direct your steps. Acknowledge Him as the giver of the dream; then and ask Him to give you wisdom regarding your dream and how to accomplish it. God is faithful! When you take the time to seek Him, He will give you the steps to take that will lead you down the path of seeing your dream come to pass. The Holy Spirit is your Helper; however, you are the initiator. When you take a step, God will meet you at your point of action. Each step you take will bring you closer to the end of your faith.
Allow your troubles to work for you

Hold On
I want to encourage you to hold on to your dreams. Hold on to that thing God has put in your heart that you just can’t shake. Remain faithful to Him and do your part; He will bring your dream to pass.